Twilight Princess (Wrap-up) – The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Part 23

Goodbye Twilight Princess, it's been quite a journey! You gave us so many great moments and some amazing characters! Join us as we chat about our impressions, the key themes, the connections with Zelda canon, and introduce the next game in the timeline. Sit down with your hosts, Shannon and Joe, as they play, discuss… [Read More]

Majora’s Mask (Wrap-up) – Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask Part 16

It's time to say goodbye to Majora's Mask! The continuation of the Hero of Time's story, Majora's Mask pushed the boundaries on what a Zelda game could be about. Join us as we chat about our impressions, the key themes, the connections with Zelda canon, and introduce the next game in the timeline. Sit down… [Read More]

The Ocarina of Time (Wrap-up) – The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time

Today we say goodbye to Ocarina of Time, not forever, but for now. A pillar of the Zelda franchise, OoT's reach extends to nearly every Legend of Zelda game across the various timelines, and holds a special place in the hearts of many gamers. Join us as we chat about our impressions, the key themes,… [Read More]

Breath of the Wild Timeline Placement – Tandem Legends Bonus 001

Breath of the Wild has found a place within the Legend of Zelda timeline. With news like this we couldn't not talk about it. How can a game like Breath of the Wild be part of the timeline? Why is it so distantly placed? What does this mean for Tandem Legends? Why does Joe keep… [Read More]